
While The 100 Day Project was rolling through Spring to Summer of 2015 - my regular rhythm of making was falling by the wayside due to well...life. In late spring my husband and I found out we were pregnant for the first time, but by early August 2015 everything changed when we learned things would not work out as planned. Like jumping into a glacial-fed lake, I got a shock into reality and found I needed my making rhythm back to recover and heal. So on Saturday, August 8th - I started my own 100 Day Project; #100DaysOfPenAndPaint. My mediums of choice were Canson Mixed Media paper, Sakura Pigma Micron pens, Winsor & Newton watercolors, water brushes, and the cheapest standard watercolor brushes. 

Some of the pieces I created are meant to live as they are on paper - while others are destined for a future as a digital piece or multimedia creation. Regardless, this project has led me down the path I find myself on today. The one which is displayed as the subtitle of this very website; wander, create, repeat. I still sketch and paint just about every day and you can find occasional updates both on Instagram and on the Log.

Days 76-100

Days 51-75

Days 26-50

Days 1-25