POBY Smoothie

After I found out that I could no longer eat strawberries, I was pretty disappointed, especially in BOS (Banana, Orange Juice, Strawberries) smoothies I would be missing out on.  Shortly after, on a visit to one of my favorite places, the Ferry Market Building in San Francisco, I tried subbing peaches in a fresh made smoothie. I loved it and now it's one of my favorites!


2 small peaches, pitted and peeled
1 large banana
1 6oz container of plain sheep milk yogurt
1 1/2 cups orange juice

Place all the ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.

On another note, I get the lucky opportunity to take a Gluten Free Baking class at the Pantry with Gluten Free Girl & the Chef tonight! I predict that I will learn a lot, especially about the science of baking!