Posts tagged Cooking
Cooking, Baking, & All Things Food

Let's just start here; I love real food and cooking from scratch.

If I can reasonably make it at home, then that's how I want to do it. Since I've got a variety of food intolerances, this lifestyle suits me quite well.

I think my enjoyment of food and cooking comes from my mom and her mother. Growing up, I remember many delicious dishes made from scratch and grew up thinking that's just food was always prepared. It didn't occur to me until much later that many of these things could be purchased pre-made or pre-mixed. Many of my favorite foods and ingredients tie back to things I remember from childhood; meyer lemons, rhubarb, picadillo, etc.

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Camping Gluten Free: Breakfast

While we could have gone the cooler and ice route for to keep some of our food chilled. We decided to go for the uncooled route.  That left us without the breakfast luxuries of eggs, bacon, and chilled non-dairy milks for cereal. We also chose to opt away from more difficult breakfasts like pancakes, which we could have made without eggs by using a flaxseed paste.

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A Gluten Free Luau
As soon as I saw this Easy Hawaiian Luau Menu in Sunset Magazine I wanted to make it, all the dishes looked delicious and would give me a bit of a challenge.  If I recall correctly, that was back before I went gluten free and figured out the other food intolerances I have.  But, years and several intolerances later we've finally thrown a luau and made all of the delicious items on the menu.
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Sheep's Cheese & Hard Apple Cider Fondue

I really knew I would miss fondue when I figured out I was both intolerant of cows milk, gluten, and wine. Then I saw a post from Jenn Cuisine on fondue and that set my mind in motion to find a way to make a cows milk free and wine free fondue with gluten free bread to dip in it.  And, well with the help of a google search to find cheese recommendations from a book called Fondue, a basic recipe from Whole Foods, and some guess work...I believe I have succeeded!  This was delicious, but it made a lot of fondue.  I would say this recipe would be best for 3-4 people.

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Macaroni and Cheezzz

I'm trying to get in a habit of stopping by the Flying Apron on weekends to grab a snack or a sweet treat of some sort.  On of my favorite things they have there is a Macaroni & Chez with spinach and after having it for the first time I knew I had to recreate it! Their version listed the primary ingredients as olive oil, tahini, nutritional yeast, turmeric, and cumin.  I made a couple of versions but nothing turned out just right.  And just at that moment a friend e-mailed me a recipe from the Vegan Fusion World Cuisine cookbook and with just a couple simple changes, I ended up with a perfect gluten and dairy free (and vegan!) substitute for one of my favorite comfort foods.

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