Things I'm Reading Thursday
Juniper Moon Farm is starting a magazine all about making things - everything from knitting to food and more! It sounds perfect for me so I've become a backer. Help them out at Kickstarter!
Great article in the New York Times on packing tips from the pros. A flight attendant demonstrates how she packs for a 10 day trip in a small roll on bag.
The mainstream media is finally catching on to the excitment about a gluten free bakery in Paris! If we end up in Paris on our trip later this year, we will surely be stopping by.
I'm a big believer in pet therapy and I can say that coming home to my pup really helps melt away any stress I bring home from my day job.
I'm always trying to improve my blog and this is a great post on things that will kill a blog post. I'm trying to get better at numbers 2 and 10!
Did you ever hear this particular This American Life story about the NYPD and an Officer named Adrian Schoolcraft? Well, you'll want to read this...
These pictures from Spain and Portugal are making me even more excited for our upcoming trip! I've got to get our itinerary finished so we can book our flights!
I'm proud to be a member of the Unicorn Success Club.
And, this isn't something I was reading, so much as watching and listening to...a great TED talk from Seth Godin on the tribes we lead.
Oh and one thing I'm about to start reading in actual print (because I'm working to decrease my screen time and well, I like flipping the pages of an actual book-it gives me a feeling of accomplishment); Pioneers of the Possible by Angella Nazarian.